Bluebell Time

Spring is gradually creeping towards summer. A slow creep in my part of Scotland, we had snow in May this year.

It is also bluebell time; the time of year that the much-loved Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) appears. The flowers create a carpet of blue and purple hues, looking their most stunning when viewed through a sun-dappled woodland glen, their scent lingering in the air.

Amongst the standard ‘blue’, you may also spot pink and white flowers.

It is always worth finding your local bluebell wood at this time of year to enjoy the spectacular displays.

Pet portraits and bluebells

I’m sure I’m not the only dog owner who attempts to take a photo of their dog in front of a mass of bluebells.  

I’ve painted a few commissions of this very subject, dogs with bluebells.

Seb and Meelah. Black Labradors in bluebells, watercolour painting
Seb and Meelah. Black Labradors in bluebells, watercolour painting
Halley, Labrador x Springer Spaniel, sitting among bluebells. Watercolour painting
Halley, Labrador x Springer Spaniel, sitting among bluebells. Watercolour painting
Dileas, Golden Retriever, painting. Sitting among bluebells. Acrylics
Dileas, Golden Retriever, painting. Sitting among bluebells. Acrylics

How to commission a painting

If you are interested in commissioning a painting of your pet, or even your dog with bluebells, you can find more information on the process at the following pages:

If you would like a non-obligation quotation, please contact me at either of my email addresses.

© Karen Hartnell

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