Young Lion painting in progress

I recently started work on a painting of a young lion relaxing in a tree.

I’ll post more updates as I work on it. Here’s some photos of progress so far.

About the painting

  • Medium: Acrylics
  • Paper: Heavyweight Bockingford watercolour paper
  • Size: A3, 16.5″ x 11.7″ / 420 mm x 297 mm
  • Reference photo: Laura Hanton, Wildlife Reference Photos.

Update: Finished piece

Here is a photo of the finished painting and I also wrote a blog here: Young Lion Painting Finished

Painting of a young lion in a tree
Painting of a young lion in a tree
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1 thought on “Young Lion painting in progress

  1. […] May I blogged the work-in-progress photos of the lion painting I was working on (here), and today I have finally finished it. I’ve had to work it around the commissions, but I was […]

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